State Council of Educational Research Training Chandigarh has announced the NTSE Chandigarh. The SCERT Chandigarh has conducted the NTSE Stage 1 exam on November 5, 2017. Those who have passed the exam have become eligible to appear for the Stage-2 which will be conducted by the NCERT, New Delhi on May 13, 2018. Total 11 candidates have been shortlisted to appear for NTSE stage 2.
Download the List of Selected Candidates
On the basis of the National Talent Search Examination, 1000 students will be awarded scholarships. The amount of scholarship for Class-XI to XII will be of Rs.1250/- per month. For Undergraduates and Post-graduates, the scholarship will be Rs.2000/- per month. Amount of Scholarship for PhD is fixed in accordance with the UGC norms. About 4ooo students from different states of India got selected for NTSE Stage -2.
There is two-stage selection process for award of scholarship. For NTSE Stage-I, Selection is done by States/UTs through a written examination. Students, who Qualify Stage- I, are eligible to appear for Stage-II examination.