“Exam Regulatory Authority, Allahabad (Uttar Pradesh) has recently released the Final Result & List of selected students for NTSE Stage-2 held on 4 Nov. 2018.”
NTSE has a two-stage selection process for award of scholarship. For NTSE Stage-I, Selection is done by States/UTs through a written examination. Students, who Qualify Stage-I, are eligible to appear for Stage-II examination.
NCERT has fixed a seat-quota for each state (a fixed no. of seats are allotted to each state) for qualifying students of NTSE Stage-1. As per a recent update, “NCERT may increase the Selection Quota for NTSE 2019 Stage-2 from 1,000 to 2,000”
Read complete information for this from HERE
A total of 755 students from various categories are declared eligible to appear in NTS Stage-2 Exam which is scheduled to be conducted on 12th May 2019.
Students can check Rank & Marks in this list – Click Here