National talent Search Exam (NTSE) is conducted by NCERT Delhi every year. NCERT provides around 2000 scholarships on the basis of the final result for which NTSE exam is held in two stages. NTSE 1st stage is the key to enter into NTSE 2nd Stage (Final Stage). NTSE Stage -1 is also called State level NTSE as each State/UT conducts its own examination. They have the autonomy to lay down their own norms for the purpose of determining the eligibility of the candidates. State/UTs select students for stage 2 exam on the basis of available state level quota. Here is the list of state quota for NTSE Stage-2 qualification.
QUOTA ALLOTTED FOR STATES/UTs (2018-2019 & 2019-2020)
S.No. |
States/UTs |
Quota* |
1. | Andaman & Nicobar Islands | 20 |
2. | Andhra Pradesh | 263 |
3. | Arunachal Pradesh | 50 |
4. | Assam | 202 |
5. | Bihar | 691 |
6. | Chandigarh | 20 |
7. | Chattisgarh | 195 |
8. | Dadra & Nagar Haveli | 20 |
9. | Daman & Diu | 20 |
10. | Delhi | 153 |
11. | Goa | 50 |
12. | Gujarat | 360 |
13. | Haryana | 186 |
14. | Himachal Pradesh | 51 |
15. | Jammu & Kashmir | 64 |
16. | Jharkhand | 142 |
17. | Karnataka | 371 |
18. | Kerala | 220 |
19. | Lakshdweep | 20 |
20. | Madhya Pradesh | 530 |
21. | Maharashtra | 774 |
22. | Manipur | 50 |
23. | Meghalaya | 50 |
24. | Mizoram | 50 |
25. | Nagaland | 50 |
26. | Odisha | 259 |
27. | Puducherry | 20 |
28. | Punjab | 183 |
29. | Rajasthan | 485 |
30. | Sikkim | 50 |
31. | Tamil Nadu | 466 |
32. | Telangana | 216 |
33. | Tripura | 50 |
34. | Uttar Pradesh | 1408 |
35. | Uttarakhand | 79 |
36. | West Bengal | 569 |
TOTAL | 8387 |
* Quota is revised after every three years