NTSE (National Talent Search Examination) 2016, Stage II was held on 8th May (Sunday), at 36 centers across India. The paper was conducted in 3 parts, MAT (Mental Ability Test) of 50 Marks, LCT (Language Comprehensive Test) of 50 Marks and SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) which was of 100 Marks.
Paper Analysis by Pre-Nurture & Career Foundation Division, ALLEN Career Institute
MAT (Mental Ability Test) : Out of 50 questions in MAT, there were 11 questions asked from the topic “Puzzle Test” this year, which was the maximum from any topic. It was followed by 6 questions from Arithmetic Reasoning and 5 from the Verbal Series. Talking about the difficulty level of the paper, 12 questions out of the total 50 questions were easy, 30 were asked from the medium difficulty level and the rest 8 belonged to hard level. Hence if we talk in terms of Percentage, 60% questions in the paper were from the medium difficulty level, followed by 24% from the Easy Level and only 16% from the Hard Level.
LCT (Language Comprehensive Test) : The Language Comprehensive Test paper consisted of 50 questions, out of which 18 were from the easy level, 21 questions were with Average Difficulty level and the remaining 11 were asked from high difficulty level. So, we can sum up that the paper was 42% average difficult, 22% easy and 36% tough. 15 questions were asked from the “Language Comprehension”, 10 from the topic “Rapid Fillers- Best Word Vocabulary”, followed by 8 from “Passage Gap Filling”.
SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test) : The SAT checks the scholastic aptitude of the students in the subjects Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics and S.St. A total of 90 questions were asked in the SAT paper, in which 13 were from Physics, 13 from Chemistry, 14 from Biology, 20 from Maths and 40 from S.St.
In physics, 5 questions were asked with the average difficulty, and 4 each belonged to the easy and difficult level, respectively. So we can say that the sections consisted of the questions which were 38% average, 31% easy and 31% difficult. If we look at the class-wise distribution of the level from which they were asked, we will come to know that 31% questions in the section came from the 9th class and the rest 69% were asked from the class 10 level.
Chemistry section was much easier comparatively as 7 questions came from the easy level, 4 from the average level and only 2 were difficult questions out of the total 13 questions in this section which makes it 54% easy, 31% average and only 15% difficult. 31% questions were from the 9th class level in this section and the remaining 69% from the 10th class.
The Biology section was the easiest of all as not even a single question came with high level of difficulty. Only 1 question was average and the rest 13 belonged entirely to the easy level. So the section was 93% easy. The classwise distribution of the level can be summed upto be 64% from class 10 and the remaining 36% from class 9 level.
The section Mathematics was also easier to solve as only 4 questions were asked with high level of difficulty. 8 questions each belonged to easy and average difficulty, respectively. The section consisted of 70% questions from the class 10 level and remaining 30% from class 9 level.
In S.St. 40 questions were asked out of which, 21 belonged to the average level category. 13 questions were very easy to solve and only 6 came with the high difficulty level. The S.St. section was hence, 53% average, 32% easy and only 15% difficult. To talk about the class wise distribution, 62% questions were asked from class 10 level and the rest 38% from class 9.